Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Some more pics... amazingly enough!!!

So, firstly, here are the back to school pics... *sob* my little boy is now in High School!!!!

Blackie was my assistant in this photo shoot - his job was to get Allan to smile! He did it wonderfully!!!

And here's a couple more of that beautiful baby... Harrison David, or as Allan said... Harley Davidson...
With Aunty Jill

With Grandma (my Aunty Gail)


And here's a couple of our cute, lovable, gorgeous cat!
I know this one is blurry... but I just love how he came right up to the camera to check out what I was doing!


Julie said...

hiya Chelle

your kiddo's look cute in their uniforms - though allan might not like knowing that he looks 'cute' lol - Tell him i said he looks all grown up instead.
You've taken some great pix, and what a cute little bubba.
take care

Unknown said...

Love the close up of HD.

How was first day of school for all?