Friday, March 09, 2007

Catching up...

Just looking back through my past posts... it seems that netball has been all consuming in my life... well... um... yep - it has been! But there's been other things happening along the way too.

This week I started tutoring again at Uni. I'm doing 2 subjects I've never tutored in before - but fortunately, the course co-ordinators are 2 lecturers that are so thoroughly organised that it makes my life easier. It's still hard work, but I have a very good idea of what I need to do, and how to do it - the framework for both these courses is excellent.

So, what am I teaching? The first course, which I have 2 tutorials for, is Contemporary Photomedia. Basically photography - and it's a fantastic course. The uni agreed as they gave it a special award for teaching excellence a couple of years ago.

The second course is Web Application Development. Teaching the basics of PHP and MySQL - which is what drives a lot of the applications on websites at the moment - including discussion forums, online galleries, form submission etc.

So, both courses are very good for me too. You always learn/retain so much more when you teach something - which is great!

I realised I haven't shared anything much of late either - just been busy... so here's a rash of photos from the past month for you to look at.

A couple of Emily in the rain with her improv 'rain hat' and a some of my man Jake when I got to babysit him for the very first time (about time too!). Oh, and a layout I don't think I've shared...


1 comment:

Julie said...

Well done with the tutoring Michelle, they both sound like excellent courses.
gorgeous pix as well.