Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Yin and Yang of my day...

Well, what a weird little afternoon it was yesterday.

Spent about 40 minutes of it in a building anger/panic as I couldn't find my son after school. Seems that me saying to him that he could get information about cadets translated to the 13 yo mind as 'go to cadets, your Mum will know, and she will pick you up at 5pm'. Of course, I didn't know, I didn't give permission, and he had made no plans for me to pick him up later (or a location). By the time I tracked down where he was, I was in a state on near panic, which transferred to furious anger when I realised what he'd done - and that the cadets had him after school without EVER receiving written permission from me. Brought me to tears and I tore a few strips of Allan in the car on the way home. Got out of the car and had a big tearful hug - aye, aye, aye - has he no idea what a missing child does to a mother?

Then, my boss called me pretty late in the day for a long chat/meeting. Had a lot to go through with him, but also had children to get organised for netball at 5:30pm. Allan had been given the task of making tea - and handwritten notes while on the phone got the said tea into tupperware ready to take out to netball. Luckily, Mum was at my place when I'd gotten home after school (and aforementioned child search). So, she got the kids ready, and when it looked like I was never going to get off the phone in time, she took Emily to her game. Luckily, cause I didn't get off the phone until 5:20pm, and her game was at 5:30!

Of course, when I got off the phone, it was a mad rush to get ready and get out to the courts so I didn't miss too much! When I went into my bedroom, I found out my darling daughter had made my bed, and laid out my netball clothes for me - along with my shoes on the floor, with a sock on each. She'd even put a hairbrush out for me. What a darling! She'd fanned out the skirt of my bodysuit - it was just picture perfect. Bestill my mummy heart - they both touched it today!

Oh, and I got some creative stuff done too - YEHAR!!!! Will share later... work to do now...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Kiddo's hey?? They can make you cry and laugh almost in the same breath sometimes - glad it all worked out ok in the end Michelle. And what a sweetheart little Em is for helping you out.