Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Running, and running...

Last night I had a great game of netball! I was so wired at the end of it - and so darn proud of myself!

My team has always looked after me because I have been large, and quite unfit - and simply not able to play all the positions on court due to my poor fitness levels. Well, for my size I was doing OK - but couldn't hack playing too much too long.

But all that has changed now that I've lost so much weight. These legs, which were once having to run, jump and leap with an extra 23kgs are now helping me travel around the court on what feels like wings! It feels so good to really get out there and RUN. Well, at least it *feels* like running - and I'm sure it looks somewhat like running too...

For those that understand netball, I thing GD can be the most physically demanding position, closely followed by C. Depending on the oposition of course. WELL, last night I played GD for 1/2 a game and C for a 1/4!!! And THEN WA for a 1/4. We only had 6 in our team - so there was actually a bit MORE work to do.

Felt so good to be able to outrun my stick thin, younger opponent - felt bloody good! Even the opposition coach complemented me after the game! Hot damn!

My Mum still plays too (yep, bloody great for a 60 year old) and I've noticed she's running so well lately too - I think the team we have really helps.

Great to have those endorphins working for you. Wonderful actually.

1 comment:

Serena Lewis said...

WTG, Michelle!!!