Thursday, February 22, 2007

More computer saga....

Well, at about lunch time, my computer went totally SPACK!!! Opened 63 windows for MSN, and tonnes of other things. Sure sign of a virus.

So, I hit the off button as quick as I could, and called my IT guy in a panic.

Of course, he wasn't there... and I spent an agonising 20 minutes before he called back. Not game to turn the computer back on just in case....

Had to unplug everything (do you KNOW how many plugs there are at the back of a computer?) and lug it, along with my external hard drives, up to him at the Uni.

2 hours later....

... I find I DID NOT have a virus - and everything worked wonderfully for him...... don't know if that made me happy or cranky! He did fix up my MS Office for me... which is a relief! I also had next to no room left on my C drive because of my massive Outlook files - which he moved to a different drive so it wouldn't be a problem. He was of the opinion that the lack of space on my C drive may have caused some of the problems.

SO... I lug (and I mean LUG) the computer home, after being very late picking up the kids... plug it all in... and it's working! But... where's my hard drive.... not there!!!! So jumped some more hoops and heard the tic, tic, tic again from my ext. hard drives.... OH NO!!! They definitely DID NOT do that when they went to the Dr's!!!!!

But, I worked it out! The power cord for the hard drive must be faulty, because a different ext hard drive was going tic, tic, tic....

To think that could have caused so many problems....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope you're right