Thursday, November 02, 2006

Signed up!

Well, I've finally done it.... joined the gym that is!!!! I went with my sister (who's lost over 25kg's BTW) and got all signed up. The fellow I had to talk to had certainly been taught the sales pitch - Jodie thought I was exagerating, or at least being a bit over sensitive, when I complained to her how often he used my name.

Sure, we can do that for you Michelle
Just come over here Michelle
And how long have you lived in Rocky Michelle
I've spoken for a few secconds Michelle

But then when I finalised everything up, we could have played bingo with the number of times he said my name. I so much hate being 'sold' things. I'd much rather be spoken to by an earnest staff member who can tell me what I need to know in an intellectual manner. I was going to buy anyway... sheesh!

I did a quick 30 mins on the walking machine - which was pretty cool. Didn't push it too hard though... but everyone forgot to tell me that I'd walk like a drunk after being on there for 30 mins! It's so weird hopping off the machine you feel like you need to cling to something to stay upright!

Well, I go in this morning to meat the trainer and get a program... so wish me luck! Hopefully I won't be too big a sweat puddle by the end of it all!

Better go and get dressed!!!!


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