Monday, December 18, 2006

Results are in...

Firstly, a couple more little projects completed. These were dual purpose - for the LSBS Cybercrop - and to experiment with the new 3D Kindyglitz - you guys are going to LOVE it when it's released! Got more projects in my little head for this product - now to find the time and energy to do them!

Well, I went and saw the Dr on Friday - and got the results of my blood tests... for those it means anything too... here they are, with the first number being my original results, and the second being my new results:

Glucose: 9.8 / 8.4

Cholesterol: 6.4 /5.7

Glycated Haemoglobin: 7.8 / 6.8 (under 7 means good diabetes control)

Blood Pressure: 100/70

So, in all, pretty good. Actually, the Dr said a few times I was doing really well - which was good to hear. But, the bad news was that he was concerned about my cholesterol levels, because I'm now considered to be in a high risk group, I need to have it down to under 4.0... and he doesn't think it will matter how much weight I lose.... it will still be too high. So it looks like I will need to a) lose more weight to get better control of my diabetes (which is working now) and b) then get the cholesterol under control.

I suppose having the diabetes has highlighted this problem - which is good in the long run - at least I can do something about it now. I also asked him about being so completely and utterly tired all the time and he said it may be just that I'm exercising more, and eating less calories - and my body isn't used to it... but, it's been 3 months - surely it's had time to get somewhat used to it??? He's ordered a couple more blood tests for me, just to check my thyroids and something else... can't remember what. Did that on Friday, so should know soon enough if there's anything else wrong with me!
I got to the Diabetes Educator tomorrow for my next appointment - so I'll be able to talk more with her about my results etc.

On other news... kids have now finished school for the year, and for Allan, Primary School is only a memory ;)

I went to pick him up on Friday after my Dr's appointment, but couldn't find him at the school - after about 3/4 hour of trekking around the school looking for him. Ended up he walked home to 'surprise' me - not realising I was at the Dr's. I tell you - I freaked out a little... not nice not knowing where your kids are! Scared the life out of me, he did!
OK... off to bed, even though I've spent a goodly time there recently... sigh... nighty night!


Narelle said...

Congrats on the blood test results- its fantastic to see that all your hard work is starting to pay internally as well as externally!!

Julie said...

The 3d kindy glitz sounds great. I've just rediscovered it again.

Hope all goes well with the next lot of blood tests.

You have been doing well with you weight loss. Wish I could too.