Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Twas the day AFTER Christmas...

Well, it's all done and dusted for another year... PHEW!!! This is my gorgeous little nephew - Jake! What a little winner he is - absolutely adorable!!! Oh, and he KNOWS it!!!
Well, Christmas was somewhat eventful this year - actually Christmas Eve was moreso. We had to clean, clean clean for the big day - a job that doesn't get done in this household as much as it should. The house gets cleaned every week, but the corners, shelves, etc don't get touched - and things were a bit out of control. So the kids were each given areas to remove everything, dust, replace, put away whatever didn't belong. Mum was coming over in the PM to do the actual cleaning (paid gig) and I wanted it so all she had to do was sweep, mop and vac... but the kids and I were somewhat unmotivated, and Michael kept finding excuses to go to the shops... but we got most of what I wanted done, done. I spring cleaned my cupboards, my makeup - my whole bedroom! The kids did the shelves, display areas etc, and Mum came over...
Michael, thinking Mum's a superhero, or at least a big bloke, asked her for help taking our old 2-door fridge downstairs. I came out to help too, but it ended up with Mum above the fridge and Michael below it, with me watching on. Over the first step, BOUNCE, 2nd step, BOUNCE... 3 - bottom step.... d d d d d d d d d d d d dd d in a mad hurry! Looked like the fridge was trying to attack hubby! I was so worried for him, but it just stopped at the end of the stairs - with him well out of the way. I breathed a sigh of relief until I looked back up at Mum and she was clutching both shins!!!! The side of the fridge had run over both her legs!!!! I've never climbed the stairs from the outside, but I did. Fortunately, there wasn't any broken bones or anything - but some ugly skinned shins with huge black bruises and lumps around them. Had to put Mum in the recliner with an ice (read, mixed veges) pack on each leg. She was definitely shaken - and so was I! So that was pretty much the end of the cleaning for the day - and the relos would have to take what they got the next day!
(update - Mum's legs looked MUCH better the next day!)
So, Christmas came to our place - and Santa delivered to Emily, and Allan got his very first lot of pressies under the Christmas Tree (we don't give presents to people already getting something from Santa). The kids seemed to love everything they got, and Michael and I got to unwrap a few presents too that we already knew about. One I didn't know about was one the kids bought for me. It was so sweet! Emily chose a little Guide Dog puppy toy for me.... so I would remember not to eat sugar, so I don't go blind.... (sincerely thoughtful) and Allan chose an Alex Kava book (love them) and they also got me a Scrapbooking Memories pack I hadn't got. So sweet!
Much more to tell, but I have to go and play ... don't know what it's called... tennis on a stick... with my son....
More photos soon...

1 comment:

Julie said...

OUCH!!!! I hope your mum's shins have healed up ok Michelle - good thing the fridge stopped on the last step.
Hope your family all had a great day spent together.