Saturday, August 26, 2006

Attitude adjusted

Just a quick note to say that Allan's attitude has done a complete 180 and he is back to being the sweet, thoughtful boy I love. He got his room cleaned, and even earned back some of his Lego by being selfless and nice (as opposed to selfish and nasty). You wouldn't know it was the same child.....

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing as a mother... then sometimes I know. This morning was hard for me - but I'm determined to teach my children to act, not just react, and to be thoughtful of how their actions affect others, and most of all - to take responsibility for their own behaviour.

I find myself saying to Allan when he tries to tell me that the way Emily behaved caused him to act out (and vice versa) that IF Emily was responsible for HIS behaviour, that I'm sure she would have him playing dolls with her, not yelling at her.... ;)

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