Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well, unfortunately my girls didn't make it through the first round of finals. Darn! They deserved to feel good about themselves and have a good go at things. But it just didn't work last night - I think it was nerves. The shooters couldn't shoot the first quarter - and everything looked tense. When they got their shooting together, the defence lost their edge. What a shame. But I'm still so very, very, very proud of them. They turned themselves around over the course of the season - adn they were a great team to coach. A great team.

On a positive note, I now have Sun, Tues, and Wed nights back! Well, I'm going to play indoor one night... but still!

Off to see the doctor today to find out officially if I have diabetes - but we all know that's a formality - the rest is to do a 'care plan' for me... see specialists, etc. Michael is coming with me, which is good, because he needs to understand how important it is - and what I need to do. AND to remember the stuff I'll forget ;)

Till tomorrow...

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